Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Charlie's Angels' Farrah Fawcett Dies at 62

The Charlie's Angels star who had later become most potent sex symbol of the 70's died Thursday in Los Angeles after a 3 year battle with cancer. She was 62 years old. Fit, tanned, blonde and smiling, She fought crime in Charlie's Angels and also sold a million copies of a poster of herself in a red swinsuit. For a time she was married to Lee Major (star of  the six million dollar man) She was diagnosed with cancer in 2006, her treatment was put in the documentary Farrah's Story.  Ryan O’Neal, father of Fawcett’s 24-year-old son Redmond, said Wednesday: “Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world.”

Black Ops hides Zork easter egg

Players have been discovering a secret in the game call of duty black ops, following these steps and you can discover it too! first, break away from the main menu and find a computer running on DOS and type in "zork" and you'll play the classic infocom text adventure. You will also get the "eaten by a Grue" achievement. You may also access a tap-down zombie shooter called Dead Ops Arcade by typing "DOA" into the computer.

Wikileaks article

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, has been publishing information about the government and attacking countries and causing problems among them. There has recently been a lawsuit against Julian Assange saying that he raped 2 women however there is a very good chance this is not true and they are just trying to get revenge on him for publishing these rumors.

Friday, December 3, 2010

How Darren Aronofsky transformed ballet swan lake into the thriller black swan

In a thriller you expect to see zombies, vampires or runaway mental patients but no one expected this one. The new movie Black Swan is a thriller about a ballerina. The movie stars Natalie Portman as a mentally deranged dancer so obsessed with her starring role in Swan Lake that she begins an excruciating physical transformation into a black feathered beast. Darren thought about the ballerina turning into a beautiful swan and thought, "i could make this gruesome"

Is Catfish just a tall tale?

A new movie about facebook just released, not the social network but a low budget documentary called catfish, about a relationship between a 24 year old photographer and an 8 year old painting prodigy. The film starts off about their online connection but the photographer continues to get more involved with this girl. People watched it a few times and started to wonder, could it be true?

Win a coin toss

Is it possible to win a coin toss on purpose?
A group of people were chosen to test this theory. They chose half the people who wanted to make a coin toss and the other half thought that coin tosses were too unfair. They were given  points to practice winning a coin toss.
1)do the flipping(remember which side it started on, go for a specific amount of flips
2)practice(flip the coin the same everytime, with the same force behind your thumb 3 or 4 flips is ideal)
3)be smart(if you happen to not be the one flipping, just choose the side that facing up on the coin there is a 51% of it landing that way)
it is not guaranteed to win a coin toss but it is more likely if you follow the 3 tips listed in this article.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

All you need is Tron

A movie was released, a remake of the movie Tron. The original movie never got this much attention, however, the movie is not doing so well even now. The movie although very futuristic was called a "sci-fi failure." Disney was surprised when this movie didn't do as successful as they wanted  seeing as it was full of new movie technology. The movie was only able to pull in 4.8 million on its opening weekend.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the new renovo R4

Renovo has created a new bike called the R4 and its anything but ordinary. It has two tires, handle bars and brakes as usual. However this creation is made of bamboo and hardwood. The owner of this bike is satisfied with the feel and reduced vibration and bumps but this comes at a price. $2,950 to be exact. He gets a lot of questions and strange looks riding it because it is definately something very different.


Successful logos

For a logo to be successful it must be simple, attractive and recognizable so that someone is able to look at it and relate it to the item or company it represents because this will encourage more comsumption

Monday, November 22, 2010

Magazine Advertisements

1)Who is responsible for the ad, what is being advertised
advertisement 1- A baby wrapped in a blanket
Earth justice is responsible and it is advertising a company to hire lawyers.
coercive element- cute baby (needs protection)

2)advertisement 2- a little girl holding a kitten
Purina is responsible and it is advertising kitten chow
coercive element-cute kitten making little girl happy

3)advertisement 3- little boy wrapped in a towel
Canopy is responsible and it is advertising home furnishings
coercive element-cute little boy, nicely colored, warm looking towel

4)advertisement 4- cute adult dog
Blue is responsible and it advertising healthy adult dog food
coercive element- healthy looking adult dog/ for children the discount on a movie

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bowling for Columbine Essay

“Keep people in fear… and they will consume   – Marilyn Manson”
Thesis: Michael Moore showed how the news broadcasters only show the stories that are scary or may bring fear to people or ones that may make viewers paranoid.
On the evening news they showed an African American man robbing a store, or beating up a woman, or shooting or stabbing someone, which is great that they are making the people aware, however it’s making them aware of the wrong things. News reports like these do not make the viewers afraid of violence or make them want to take safety precautions. These new reports make the viewers afraid of African American people. News reporters in a way are much too racist and selfish about “what makes good tv” rather than what really matters or what really should be presented that everyone, white people included, are violent and commit the same crimes.
Another example of how the evening news frightened its viewers was by showing the footage of the shooting in Columbine high school. This was a great story that made the people aware; however, it caused schools to make unnecessary precautions. Schools later started suspending students and even expelling them for wearing certain clothes, bringing nail clippers to school, making fake guns out of food or paper or dying their hair. It is okay to be safe in your school but the news caused many schools to take this too far and it seems very unfair to the students of these other schools.

Michael Moore also shows how TV shows put fear into the thoughts of the people who watches them. TV shows like Cops that TV companies put on the air are very stupid to put on in a way. Making people aware of all the crime that goes on in the world is a good idea. However, there seems to be some sort of other message in these shows. They seem to choose many African American people or Hispanic people but in reality white people make just as much crime in the world as any other race. In Bowling for Columbine the producer of Cops says that these types of people make for better TV, they may not realize how they are making other races look but now that they know they should really make a change. The makers of Cops should be more concerned about the reputation of others over what makes “good TV.”
Another example he used was South Park. South Park is used to sort of poke fun at children or teenagers who have guns, drink alcohol, do drugs, use coarse language and misbehave in general. It’s basically showing people how silly our society is being with everything we do. However, most parents won’t let their children watch this show because of the coarse language and alcohol and drug use. Are they trying to shelter their children from this behaviour or from the truth? Odds are their children will end up being like that because most children do, at least by watching this show they can see what to be afraid of and what it can do to you and stuff like that but not in such a scary manner. South Park shows you what you need to be aware of while making it funny.

Michael Moore shows how people are blaming the wrong things or people for the Massacre in Columbine. Some people thought that because the killers listened to Marilyn Manson, that made them aggressive and caused them to act out aggressively. To any one this should seem like a stupid suggestion because many teenagers all over the world and probably in Columbine school listen to Marilyn Manson and it does not result in a killing or aggressive behaviour to most people its just music. It’s quite ridiculous to blame a singer for the behaviour of teenagers, this would have happened with, or without Marilyn Manson in the picture.
The second thing the people blamed this behaviour on was bowling which perhaps is just as ridiculous if not more. Bowling is not a violent or aggressive sport so in no way should it influence teenagers to do something stupid and just because it was the last thing the killers did before the shooting does NOT have anything to do with what made them act out in this way. People are just so shocked and confused about why this would happen to their city that they need something to blame it on to make an excuse for any residents of their city having a behaviour like this.
So in this twisted world we live in the media seems to be manipulating people to make them scared of things they really  shouldn’t be afraid of in an attempt to make them watch their tv shows, news reports and to buy things they think will “protect them.”
We should be afraid of things like Government Military who decide to bomb other countries and pollution in the air because in reality these things have a higher chance of hurting you than what the media has conditioned us to be fear.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bowling for Columbine

a)Michael Moore's thesis: The goverment's actions of violence affects the behavior of young people
b)He supports his thesis by showing the government creating bombs and missles and showing the actions of violence they do and then they show the actions of violence of teenagers today and adults as well. Like in the video they show a couple of teenagers that invaded Columbine high school and threatened everyone and killed many students and a few teachers as well with really no reason other than the thrill and adrenaline. They had no reason to do what they did but because they had the weapons to do it with, they thought they would take advantage of that. Some of the ways he displays these actions are through montage, archival footage, talking heads, voice over 911 calls, animation and subtitles.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Would you kill your own baby? As obvious as the answer may seem many people do it, and do not realize what they are doing. Studies show that 45% percent of women get at least one abortion before they are 45 years old. Abortions are a huge deal these days, in earlier times if someone got pregnant they had the baby. In these days people are given so many choices and opportunities to help them but what some don’t understand is that while they are helping themselves, they are definitely not helping that child. What some people don’t know and probably should is that while the abortion is hurting the baby it’s also hurting them. Abortions can often cause physical and mental health problems and cane make having a baby later in life difficult or impossible. Most people use the excuse of “I’m not ready to take care of a child this child deserves better” when in reality the child may deserve a loving family and someone to care for them but killing them never gives them the chance.
            If someone becomes pregnant by rape, this may not be the case but still has the same effect on the child’s life. It may not be your fault that you got pregnant or your choice but the child should not be punished for someone’s bad choices. Now if someone has not come to the realization of what abortion is or what it does for the child now you may be aware. Some of the people who will read this will not understand what the message of this editorial is they are unfeeling of this topic. So it begs the question if one of them got pregnant and had to make the decision of an abortion, would they have the baby or have an abortion.

            However it is understood why someone would want an abortion. Maybe having a baby or being pregnant could hurt your reputation, give you a bad name, make you fat, moody and hungry but you should be able to suffer nine months of being fat to save a child’s life and give that child a home and a family and the chance to have a life. What if your mother had gotten an abortion, you wouldn’t be here and you would have not been given life, what if she took that away from you? If not being able to take care of the baby is the issue, there are other options or choices given to a pregnant woman. There is always adoption, have the child and give it to a family who may be unable to have children. Not only is it great for the baby but it’s an amazing gift to a family that can’t conceive themselves.
            If you know of anyone having an abortion or still contemplating try talking them out of them explain they’re options and help them explore them. You could be saving a life and your friend’s health.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Loonie for Riderville

Who: the Royal Canadian Mint and the Roughriders
What: unveiled a $1 in-circulation coin
When: Thursday September 2nd
Where: in Regina
Why: to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the CFL team.

Catching vandals presents opportunity

What: identified 8 youths
When: Recent
Where: Camp Tamarack
Why: for vandalizing thousands of dollars of damage

Nipawin welcomes new doctors

Who: Nipawin Health Centre
What: hired three new doctors
When: they began work on Tuesday September 7
Where: Nipawin
Why: shortage of doctors

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Parts of a newspaper

Parts of a Newspaper

-Hermit harbours secret in film
-Vanier cup quest begins for Huskies

-Lady in a harness in a air

-Heather Kuttai is all smiles after rappelling down…for Easter Seals

-Gov’t commissions review of Sask. Potash industry

Photo credit:
-SP Photos by Gord Waldner

-Annie’s Mailbox…..B2
-Arts & Life…..B1-B4

-Cont’d: Please see Kuttai/A9

-Heather Kuttai rolled her wheelchair to the roof’s edge of the 22-storey Carlton Tower on Thursday, her chair’s tiny front wheels bumping against the raised edge.

-The Star Phoenix

-Chair in the air

Lady in a wheelchair and harness in the air.

Jeremy Warren

Thursday Sept. 2

Friday, September 10, 2010

relationship differentiality

The relationship between McDonalds and Disney World seems a little unfair. Kroc was trying so hard to be considered by Walt Disney to put McDonalds in his theme park. Walt has been trying to rip off Kroc by telling him to raise his fry prices by five cents and he would need to give the extra five cents to Walt. Kroc didn't want to raise his prices as loyalty to his buyers but i'm sure he could be easily persuaded if his job and company was on the line. Another way they are in partnership is after a new Disney movie comes out children obviously go see it and after seeing and loving the new cartoon they go to McDonalds where they have little toys with the theme of the movie that the child had just seen so they will want to have a happy meal with a toy which makes more money for McDonalds its all part of the evil scheme to fool children and their parents :P

The relationships discussed in the film we watched called "merchants of cool" some things are the same while other remain different. In today's society companies are always trying to get a good profit from their sales, they seem to be trying to rip off their consumers and giving them less than what they paid for and trying to influence them instead of selling quality. If they inform their buyers that its the "cool" thing to do and have some celebrity in their commercial also saying its "cool" of course the nieve teenagers will all fall for that in the hopes of becoming "cool" to fit in.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is cool?

The definition of "cool" can be described in many different ways, it could be clothing, interests, hobbies, music etc. There is no actual defintion to the word cool because it is always changing, styles, "fads" and the "in" thing could change in a matter of days so no one really knows.

ex) texting: everyone texts now a days, very rarely do you find a teenager that picks up the phone to call one of their friends. Adults look at us like we're stupid when we sit around texting but we love our friends so much we talk to them ALL the time! :P As we get older we get so busy with our jobs and our schooling that we don't have time to spend with our friends as much as we like and this way we can talk and communicate and keep in touch. In our time this has become  "cool"

ex) Tight/baggy clothing: these days it is "cool" for girls to wear tight clothes and guys to wear slightly baggy clothes. It seems like guys do it to fit in and girls do it to show off their bodies. People are so concerned about self image now a days because everyone has become so judgmental. Clothing is very important to how you are treated in life so it crucial to how a person feels about themself. Before, tight clothes meant a girl was "slutty" or "easy" and baggy clothes made guys a "gangster" its interesting how everything has switched over so much that it just became style.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Branded Me

Guess, Roxy, Karv, lola and coco, Garage,

Shout out to my girl friend Debbie ! you're my world!!! :D
Associated with: I think of jeans
Target audience: rich people in their mid 20's
The image: mostly correct, Target Audience: correct
on the Guess website there are a lot of girls and guys and lots of purses, lots of red and black jeans and high heels.

Associated with: surfer girls
Target audience: surfing teenagers
The image: mostly correct, Target Audience: correct
On this website there is a lot of water and beach themes and beach clothing. it gives off a very summer image.
Lola n Coco
 Associated with: cute and sexy underwear
Target audience: women who enjoy pretty undergarments (all ages)
The image:mostly correct again, Target Audience: correct but displays more older women
On this website there are mostly bras, underwear, pajama bottoms and shirts. There are some modelled by women and some just have a picture of the garment. There are a lot of bright and beautiful colours.

Associated with: sweaters
Target audience: teenage girls
The image: not so close, :P, Target audience: correct
On this website there are a lot of fashionable outfits and summer clothes, and sweaters. They model lots of t shirts and tank tops and have a little bit of jewelry.

Associated with: diamond studded
Target audience: teenagers - young adults
The image:not correct Target Audience: not correct
On this website the models are all pretty old in their late 20's it seems. The website does not show very much clothes from this brand there are only about three pictures, one guy in karv clothing a woman's pants and a picture taken inside the store of the clothing racks.