Thursday, September 23, 2010


Would you kill your own baby? As obvious as the answer may seem many people do it, and do not realize what they are doing. Studies show that 45% percent of women get at least one abortion before they are 45 years old. Abortions are a huge deal these days, in earlier times if someone got pregnant they had the baby. In these days people are given so many choices and opportunities to help them but what some don’t understand is that while they are helping themselves, they are definitely not helping that child. What some people don’t know and probably should is that while the abortion is hurting the baby it’s also hurting them. Abortions can often cause physical and mental health problems and cane make having a baby later in life difficult or impossible. Most people use the excuse of “I’m not ready to take care of a child this child deserves better” when in reality the child may deserve a loving family and someone to care for them but killing them never gives them the chance.
            If someone becomes pregnant by rape, this may not be the case but still has the same effect on the child’s life. It may not be your fault that you got pregnant or your choice but the child should not be punished for someone’s bad choices. Now if someone has not come to the realization of what abortion is or what it does for the child now you may be aware. Some of the people who will read this will not understand what the message of this editorial is they are unfeeling of this topic. So it begs the question if one of them got pregnant and had to make the decision of an abortion, would they have the baby or have an abortion.

            However it is understood why someone would want an abortion. Maybe having a baby or being pregnant could hurt your reputation, give you a bad name, make you fat, moody and hungry but you should be able to suffer nine months of being fat to save a child’s life and give that child a home and a family and the chance to have a life. What if your mother had gotten an abortion, you wouldn’t be here and you would have not been given life, what if she took that away from you? If not being able to take care of the baby is the issue, there are other options or choices given to a pregnant woman. There is always adoption, have the child and give it to a family who may be unable to have children. Not only is it great for the baby but it’s an amazing gift to a family that can’t conceive themselves.
            If you know of anyone having an abortion or still contemplating try talking them out of them explain they’re options and help them explore them. You could be saving a life and your friend’s health.  

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