Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is cool?

The definition of "cool" can be described in many different ways, it could be clothing, interests, hobbies, music etc. There is no actual defintion to the word cool because it is always changing, styles, "fads" and the "in" thing could change in a matter of days so no one really knows.

ex) texting: everyone texts now a days, very rarely do you find a teenager that picks up the phone to call one of their friends. Adults look at us like we're stupid when we sit around texting but we love our friends so much we talk to them ALL the time! :P As we get older we get so busy with our jobs and our schooling that we don't have time to spend with our friends as much as we like and this way we can talk and communicate and keep in touch. In our time this has become  "cool"

ex) Tight/baggy clothing: these days it is "cool" for girls to wear tight clothes and guys to wear slightly baggy clothes. It seems like guys do it to fit in and girls do it to show off their bodies. People are so concerned about self image now a days because everyone has become so judgmental. Clothing is very important to how you are treated in life so it crucial to how a person feels about themself. Before, tight clothes meant a girl was "slutty" or "easy" and baggy clothes made guys a "gangster" its interesting how everything has switched over so much that it just became style.

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