Thursday, November 25, 2010

All you need is Tron

A movie was released, a remake of the movie Tron. The original movie never got this much attention, however, the movie is not doing so well even now. The movie although very futuristic was called a "sci-fi failure." Disney was surprised when this movie didn't do as successful as they wanted  seeing as it was full of new movie technology. The movie was only able to pull in 4.8 million on its opening weekend.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the new renovo R4

Renovo has created a new bike called the R4 and its anything but ordinary. It has two tires, handle bars and brakes as usual. However this creation is made of bamboo and hardwood. The owner of this bike is satisfied with the feel and reduced vibration and bumps but this comes at a price. $2,950 to be exact. He gets a lot of questions and strange looks riding it because it is definately something very different.


Successful logos

For a logo to be successful it must be simple, attractive and recognizable so that someone is able to look at it and relate it to the item or company it represents because this will encourage more comsumption

Monday, November 22, 2010

Magazine Advertisements

1)Who is responsible for the ad, what is being advertised
advertisement 1- A baby wrapped in a blanket
Earth justice is responsible and it is advertising a company to hire lawyers.
coercive element- cute baby (needs protection)

2)advertisement 2- a little girl holding a kitten
Purina is responsible and it is advertising kitten chow
coercive element-cute kitten making little girl happy

3)advertisement 3- little boy wrapped in a towel
Canopy is responsible and it is advertising home furnishings
coercive element-cute little boy, nicely colored, warm looking towel

4)advertisement 4- cute adult dog
Blue is responsible and it advertising healthy adult dog food
coercive element- healthy looking adult dog/ for children the discount on a movie